I have never actually done a blog post myself (thanks to Sara who has done all my blogging thus far) so I hope i do it right and get the hang of it.

Mike and I
celebrated our 1 Year Anniversary on April 13
th! I cant believe a whole year has gone by
sooo fast, it has seriously been the best year of my life. My gift to Mike was a Desert Adventures Jeep Tour of the San Andres fault... Sounds really cool and exciting right? Well it
wasn't what either of us had pictured but it still ended up being really fun and it was great to get to spend some time just being together. That night we went out to dinner at The
Cliff house for a delicious steak dinner. All in all it was a great Anniversary and I cant wait for another fantastic year of marriage!
And when we went to pick Kate up after a long day with Grandma Carol this is what we found...