Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Something in the air

No this is not another Halloween post, this bad boy and his friends decided to set up shop all around our front door yesterday.
So I was out in the front yard watering when I got an aunt bite, so I went to run inside and right buy the front door knob there was this!
So of course, I ran around to the garage to get the bug spray.
When I returned I noticed one above the front door and another one on the ground!!!
I doused them all in bug spray for a good 15 minutes until their legs curled up and I went inside (I would have stayed longer but it was 117 degrees out and I was melting), went out to check on them like an hour later and they were all GONE!
I'm too scared to use the front door for anything now and I had nightmares all night.
Hopefully we don't get packages or visitors anytime soon.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


...73 days

... only 1761 hours

.... only 105686 minutes

..... only 6341076 seconds until...


and I can't wait...